The Diadem of the Giant-Kings!

CONAN THE BARBARIAN — Issue No. 90, June 1978

Book: Conan the Barbarian

Issue No.: 90

Published: June 20, 1978

Title: “The Diadem of the Giant-Kings!”

Cover Price: 35¢

Format: Digital scan

Plenty of comic books promise “earth-shattering” events, but this Conan book delivers an actual earthquake. Conan and his pals Bêlit and Zula are on the run from the woman king Ctesphon III when a quake shakes things up and also opens an entrance to an ancient cavern. Conan also has a few dudes in his crew who are serving as short-term captive labor (and later in the story — spoiler — monster fodder).

The gang explores the cave and finds a giant’s skeleton and a jewel-encrusted belt. When one of Conan’s captives grabs the belt, it triggers some magic that resurrects the skeleton. It’s a pretty gnarly resurrection — the skeleton is missing half a leg and part of his skull, so when he gets magically covered in new flesh, he’s not in great shape. But he’s still a giant, and he’s hungry, so he proceeds to start eating the previously mentioned monster fodder guys.

Two panels from this issue. In the first, the giant lunges at Conan. The caption reads, “— and a full larder waits nearby!” The giant says something in an untranslated non-English language. Conan says, “All right, devil! You put on flesh —” In the second panel Conan swings his sword and cuts the giant’s hand. Conan says, “— and flesh can be cut!” The monster shouts, presumably in pain. A caption reads, “The titan’s cry, as Conan’s blade strikes home, defies all barriers of race and language.”

The giant proves tough to beat even for hardened warriors like Conan and Bêlit. But Conan knows the cave is also the home to thousands of bats. He keeps the giant at bay till the sun sets. And then all of those bats swarm out of the cave, and they distract the giant long enough for Conan and company to make their escape.

As usual, Conan the Barbarian delivers solid sword and sorcery action. And a little political intrigue, with Ctesphon plotting to expand her empire. And plotting some revenge against Conan and Bêlit.

Next time — A retro-even-in-1978 Marvel Tales Spider-Man story!

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