Book: The Invaders
Issue No.: 33
Published: July 18, 1978
Title: “A Time of Titans!”
Cover Price: 35¢
Format: Original paper copy
Reading this issue of The Invaders, I learned that the original Human Torch (who was, ironically, an android and not actually human, and a different Torch than the actually human Human Torch of Fantastic Four fame) can’t turn on his fiery super-powers in a rainstorm. Which seems like a pretty serious problem — a superhero who is only super when weather permits.
The rainstorm in question was summoned by the golden-maned thunder god Thor, and he is fighting the Invaders because he’s been hoodwinked by Hitler. This is a fun setup, as Marvel’s Thor character was not created until 1962, so, unlike the Human Torch and the other Invaders (including Captain America and the Sub-Mariner), Thor didn’t appear in any comic books published in the World War II years. But, since the character is theoretically immortal, there’s nothing stopping him from appearing in The Invaders, a late-1970s book set during the 1940s.
Oh, and speaking of retconning modern (as of 1978) characters into World War II-era stories, a young (assumedly very young) Victor Von Doom (AKA Doctor Doom) also appears in this story as one of Hitler’s lackeys. But, Doom being Doom, he isn’t planning to work for Hitler for long — he already has his eyes on conquering the world for himself.
The Invaders don’t know it, but it’s Doom who convinces Thor that Hitler is a bad guy. After Thor and the Invaders make peace, Thor heads back home to Asgard. But not before Thor employs some vaguely-defined magic so the Invaders will forget meeting him. Which is kind of a cop-out! I mean, if you’re gonna do a fun retcon, just own it.
Next time — I’ll be back next week, maybe with that Conan book I meant to cover for this week before I got distracted by Thor and young Doctor Doom.
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