The Moonstone Is a Harsh Mistress!

THE INCREDIBLE HULK — Issue no. 229, August 1978

Book: The Incredible Hulk

Issue No.: 229

Published: August 15, 1978

Title: “The Moonstone Is a Harsh Mistress!”

Cover Price: 35¢

Format: Original paper copy

Long-time readers of Marvel comics (or of Marvel Time Warp) might remember Dr. Faustus. He’s the evil psychiatrist with the name that screams “hey, this guy is very likely an evil doctor.”

This issue of Incredible Hulk features round two of the Hulk’s battle with Moonstone. In a flashback scene, we learn that this Moonstone (real name Dr. Karla Sofen) used to work for Dr. Faustus. Sofen used her evil psychiatrist skills to steal the original Moonstone’s powers and costume. It’s not explained in detail, but apparently said powers and costume are granted by a literal stone, and when Sofen got said stone from the original Moonstone, she became Moonstone the Second.

A panel from this issue showing Hulk throwning Doc Samson into the air. Hulk says, “Every time Hulk has listened to Samson, Hulk has been attacked!”

Doc Samson and General “Thunderbolt” Ross had been trying to reform Hulk by helping him get his considerable anger issues under control. But Moonstone’s machinations have ruined all of that. By the end of this issue, Moonstone has driven Ross into a total nervous breakdown and convinced Samson that the Hulk is an irredeemable monster.

I suspect all of this hurts Hulk’s feelings. But he can only respond with anger, of course, because that’s what Hulk does. He punches the heck out of Doc Samson, tells Samson to shut up, then leaps off into the night.

Next time — Conan fights the thing in the crypt!

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